Follow Sustainable Cities of Northern Europe

UC Davis Study Abroad, Summer Abroad Europe,  Sustainable Cities in Europe Program, Header Image, Courses Page

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Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland

  • Dates – July 7–August 1, 2025
  • Max Enrollment – 26
  • Taught In – English
  • Prerequisites – Yes
  • Academic Area – Environmental Science and Policy; Landscape Architecture

Program Overview

In this program, we will study the policies, plans, systems, technologies and designs that support urban sustainability, exploring transit, bike and pedestrian circulation; renewable energy and water systems, recycling and solid waste management; economic equity and development; land use and urban design; landscape/open space design and the planning principles on which they are based. Relying on lectures, field trips, bike and walking tours, guest speakers, and reading-the-city exercises, the program shows what lessons can be taken from Europe back to U.S. cities. We will visit 6-8 cities—large and small—in four countries that have demonstrated a commitment to and success in becoming more sustainable. This includes looking in-depth at various deliberate eco-districts and neighborhoods in places like Stockholm, Basel, Copenhagen, Freiburg, and Lucerne.



Stories about Sustainable Cities: student Story Map GIS assignment examples:

Selected Story Maps from 2019

Universal Design

Public Engagement in Planning and Development

Bike Parking in Europe

Social Cohesion vs. Defensive Design

Types of Urban Gardens in Northern Europe

The importance of beauty in sustainable design

Stormwater management



Integrating new sustainable neighborhoods

Hidden Infrastructure

Public Spaces

District Heat

Solar Energy

Wayfinding for pedestrians and cyclists

Urban Happiness and Public Health

Active Transit